Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011


There are two types of shamanism. One is called "agricultural" and the other is called "nomadic". Recently, I have been getting numerous lessons in nomadic shamanism. Part of the nomadic process is that tools and ritual objects are portable.As I have been traveling, I have been using a small portable altar and to bless this, I prayed intensely on a seven day candle. One hour after lighting the candle, the top of the glass blew off, it made a substantial ball of fire and it set off our smoke detector. I assumed from this omen that the altar had been turned on and was now functioning full force! This altar is an altar I use to work with the goddess and all her mysteries. Part of those mysteries is Kundalini shakti. I often meditate with the forces for both insight and energy to begin the day's work, which is a number of email readings going out simultaneously. Ritual often produces omens and it is through omens we sense the deities.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Solar and Lunar Power

I often do prayer vigils to accompany my reading sessions. Central to my spiritual work is working with the solar power. The Sun is the healer, the sacred fire and the Lord of Light. The Sun always goes hand in hand with the Moon. They become the Lord and Lady of spiritual work. The Moon gives the vision and allows us to see the spirits, the invisible world and facilitates in doing psychic work. The Sun becomes the healer. Often in invoking the solar power, we use fire or a candle, along with prayer. This type of work is how spiritual work was done in the olden times. Nothing in divination is fixed. The mere reason something can be seen is to find a way to improve that situation. Rarely is something written in the stars, as an absolute.
Fire and Water go hand in hand. Water becomes the symbol of purification and relates to holy water. It is also water that is used as a visionary tool for seeing . Fire is a tool for healing.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I spent a few years in an Ocha house (African). Then five years in a Buddhist temple. Following that, I had a guru who took me to numerous temples and had me participate in a number of Vedic rituals.
Certain elements were universal. They all taught their own cosmology and a protocol in dealing with archetypes. The one element that was also relevant in every spiritual circle or temple was the tempering of the I AM or the ego. From the moment of initiation, the training around our sense of self became extremely important. By nature, the I AM is childlike, self-involved and constantly seeing itself as the most important element in the universe. With discipline, the ego becomes less the dominant factor and we suddenly can see the forces around us more clearly. As we develop over a period of time, we reduce the common sense of self and start feeding and developing a divine sense of self. This divine self, the high self, becomes over a period of time, our most relevant possession.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Channeling Doctor Light, a spiritual metaphysician on the other side:
Doctor Light has always had a strong focus on that aspect that people call the "higher self." The higher self is both the inner spirit, which can also operate in a profound way, but it is this aspect of our being that can give divine information and also participate in profound healing. Doctor Light has an affirmation or a prayer called "declaration of divinity." It is suggested that this prayer is said often as a means of developing an ongoing contact with the indwelling higher spirit of our nature.

I AM beginningless
I AM endless
I AM timeless
I AM spaceless
I AM in thee, thou are in me, together forever, we are one.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Psychic Readings

I do all psychic readings presently via email.
Here are some elements that I share.
It is through our own actions that we create our fate. The heavens might suggest a course of action. What they do not do is dictate that course of action. The value of a reading is that it is reflective and through the seven powers, the seven planets, we can receive insight in regards to our course of life, our work and those around us. I invite any questions that one might be concerned about. Some are seeking more instruction in intuitive processes, meditation, or even some concepts of positive magic. I am surprised by how well the emails have been received. This is a user-friendly modality of the times. I market my readings for the professional who seeks the convenience of working from the comfort of their home or office with fast responses. These readings last approximately five days, with email installments made each day and the asnwering of questions that are requested.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Email readings are interactive. They last approximate five days. All my readings are intuitive and I use divination to help facilitate the intuitive process. The readings pick up on key archetypes, which can rule you as a person or rule what is going on in your life. Sometimes these archetypes represent a phase you might be going through. By participating in the process, you will often recognize how the reading applies to your life. This is interactive and you are invited to ask questions as the reading goes along. Questions are not absolutely necessary. I will keep sending one or two emails daily, for the entire five day period. There are times I will ask you a question, to help clairify what it is I am receiving. People have found this email forum to be helpful. At the end of five days, you can print the entire reading, both my words and your responses back and forth. In essence, you will have a small booklet for your memory. It is fine to start out with a few questions. Do not be surprised if spirit offers other elements along with your initial concerns.This is a process I have been perfecting for two years and many are finding it satisfactory. Inquire about this process at hariom3@aol.com.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Central to my prayer work is calling the spirit back to the heart center. The spirit by its' very nature will "travel the planes", which means as you become aware of things around you, your spirit will move in that direction. Over a period of time, you can lose pieces of your spirit and become depressed and dispirited. Calling the spirit back is a regular practice, for some, a daily affirmation of their power remaining in the center of their being. Once the spirit is in the heart center, we affirm and ask that it removes unwanted forces. These are called intrusions. We also ask that the spirit brings blessing and opens the road between heaven and earth. This type of prayer work is an ongoing process which I include with every reading.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blackhawk and White Eagle

Blackhawk and White Eagle are two spirit guides incorporated in an earlier spiritualist church. Many mediums in spiritulism had Native American guides. When spiritualism moved to New Orleans, these guides continued to work with some mediums in the traditional ways of spiritualism. They were also uniquely incorporated as spirit energies and worked with hoodoo doctors or conjure workes. Conjure workers follow an African tradition. They often create spirit pots as a focusing tool to communicate to spirits, so now Blackhawk and White Eagle were suddenly being worked through these spirit pots and were facilitating spiritual works such as protection and road opening.

For the past two years, I often find myself working with these spirits. I often get significant omens that seem to come from Blackhawk. The general thinking is, if you are receiving Blackhawk, then you are also receiving White Eagle. They work together.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


At our altar, we both call forth our deity and feed the deity ( give offerings). You can tell by the signs, omens, and overall energy if the deity is truly living in your atmosphere. My buddhist friend, who chants before his altar, you can definitely feel the Buddha . There are some goddess deities that are so intense, they are not called forth inside the house or temple. They are contacted outside, usually underneath a tree. You will learn to recognize when the deity is in your circle. Of course, it is possible to be calling up more spirits than deity. This, too, has a definite feel to it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Three Secrets

In eastern thinking, three secrets are: mantra, mudra, and mandala.
Mantra is the energy, vibration and the power. Mudra is body position, which also includes breathing, how you sit, and how you hold your hands. Mandala means visualization. These visualizations are often of geometrical patterns, which have meaning to the deeper mind.
Three secrets is the foundation of both spiritual and magical work.
Also called three jewels.
These have a correspondence to head, heart and stomach, which are the three areas of our body and the psychic centers. Head is mental, heart is emotional, and stomach is physical.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Intuitive Practitioner

Eric Teissedre: Intuitive Reader and spiritual worker Hariom3@aol.com I have been doing spiritual work close to fifty years, working in numerous spirit circles through the years and also doing intuitive counseling. I thank any who have made contact and send my heart filled blessings back to you. I cannot always answer email or answer questions via email but I appreciate the fact you give me interesting insight and feedback to this blog.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Divination Astrology

Divination astrology is a unique reading system I use. The signs are derived by casting and then you fill in the planets as they presently are in the sky. I learned this system from a Vedic astrologer in 1978. It is a form of temple astrology used to communicate to the deities. It can also be used for a reading. Unlike horary astrology, which tends to only answer the question asked, divination astrology is open-ended and is very amazing in the answers it produces. I always sense there is somebody or many somebodies on the other side using the astrological language to communicate.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Heart Chakra

Of all the chakras, the heart chakra is the most complex. That is where our sense of self exists. This is also the chakra of empathy and the one that psychics use to do readings. It is called the divine message center. Channeling also comes through this center. It explains the symbolism of having a divine being in your heart. Many times, spiritual icons are linked to the heart center. It is through our power of channeling that we bring through messages from the divine.
Even shamans link this center to their empowering spirit ally and it is through this center they channel spiritual healing power.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunlight on the altar

Lord of Light

Each day, the sunlight lands on the altar, the Lord of Light bringing omens and signs.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Prayer Vigil Offerings

Vigil symbols

I use three core symbols with each prayer vigil. They are Air, Fire, and Water.
Air is all the prayers that are said, also the spirit and the divination, so we know what is going on and how Spirit wants the vigil to be done. Air, the winds, also carry the prayers to the person being prayed for. There is also visualization, to see the person's energy field, to do cleanings and blessings. The Fire and Water represent the energy of fire and the reflections of water. Often in the water there are symbols and indications of the work, similar to scrying or reading a crystal ball. Each vigil has simple offerings made to it, to feed the prayers.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Casting the circle, then saluting the four directions: east, south, west, and north, those become the divine crossroads, a cross within a circle. The most divine part of the crossroads and circle is the center. The center is heaven, earth, and spirit. Spirit includes all powers. Spirit also works with what is called seven powers. The seven planets and the seven angels are extensions and aspects of the spirit. In the center of the circle, that is where cleaning is done, the release of old energies, and the calling up of fresh light, often called a "raising" or a renewal of good luck. There is always a cleaning followed by a blessing. Another word for your personal soul is your shadow. We come raising your name, raising your shadow, we come raising your good luck in the power of the spirit. After calling forth sacred space, the cross within the circle, we release or finish. Once finished, we offer blessings and a closing prayer.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Prayer Vigil

A prayer vigil is a three day intensive prayer ritual. It includes the prayers, which have a correspondence to air. There is also an offering of a candle and water. I do a simple cast, to both see how the situation looks, and what kind of guidance I am receiving from Spirit. While the ritual itself is simple, there is a lot of intuitive insight that goes along with the process. Doing an intensive, then suddenly stopping, releases a lot of energy into the prayer. I ask people to be aware of any kind of omens they might receive in their life.
The vigils are $30. This includes three days prayer work, and also a short cast.
Prayer vigils can pack a punch!! Often there is a lot that needs to be cleansed, a spiritual cleaning before new circumstances can be invoked. A number of these prayer works have brought up information to people that have had a strong affect, information that people were not completely aware of at the time of requesting the vigil. This information comes up from the omens themselves. This work is done both as a cleaning, a healing and a renewal.