Sunday, November 6, 2011


I spent a few years in an Ocha house (African). Then five years in a Buddhist temple. Following that, I had a guru who took me to numerous temples and had me participate in a number of Vedic rituals.
Certain elements were universal. They all taught their own cosmology and a protocol in dealing with archetypes. The one element that was also relevant in every spiritual circle or temple was the tempering of the I AM or the ego. From the moment of initiation, the training around our sense of self became extremely important. By nature, the I AM is childlike, self-involved and constantly seeing itself as the most important element in the universe. With discipline, the ego becomes less the dominant factor and we suddenly can see the forces around us more clearly. As we develop over a period of time, we reduce the common sense of self and start feeding and developing a divine sense of self. This divine self, the high self, becomes over a period of time, our most relevant possession.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Channeling Doctor Light, a spiritual metaphysician on the other side:
Doctor Light has always had a strong focus on that aspect that people call the "higher self." The higher self is both the inner spirit, which can also operate in a profound way, but it is this aspect of our being that can give divine information and also participate in profound healing. Doctor Light has an affirmation or a prayer called "declaration of divinity." It is suggested that this prayer is said often as a means of developing an ongoing contact with the indwelling higher spirit of our nature.

I AM beginningless
I AM endless
I AM timeless
I AM spaceless
I AM in thee, thou are in me, together forever, we are one.